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- A&O Hotels Multi-city voucherek
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- Wellness ajánlataink
Amennyiben KUPONJÁT/BÓNUSZÁT szeretné
Order, shipping and payment terms
Order, shipping and payment terms
Information about the delivery and payment
- After your order, we automatically contact You via e-mail.
- Payment is possible via bank transfer or Paypal. Payment deadline: 8 (calendar) days
- If the price is not received until the determined deadline, we are forced to consider the order as void
- Personal takeover and cash payment is not possible (this is because, we query the vouchers from the German parent company, according to the order, which overrun is 1 workday after receiving the payment)
- We always send the voucher via e-mail (in pdf file format)
- We can’t accept holiday check
Please purchase only, if you accept the above conditions, we can’t deviate from them!
General Terms and Conditions
Present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) contain the rights and obligations of the Online Média ZRT (seat: 1139 Budapest, Váci út 99., company reg.no.: Cg: 0110043988 , taxation no.: 11778516-2-41, accessibilities: info@hotelvoucheronline.com, hereinafter: Mediator) and the Customer who uses the commercial electronic services (hereinafter: Customer). (The Mediator and customer are hereinafter jointly: Parties)
General information
Present GTC applies to all e-commerce services, through the www.szallodavoucher.com www.hotelvoucheronline.com website (hereinafter: Website), as well as through the www.szallodavoucher.hu electronic shop. In addition, the GTC applies to all commercial transactions, which is concluded between the Parties, according to the GTC. The purchase in the online shop is regulated by the year 2001. CVIII. Law („Ektv”) , about the questions of electronic commercial services and service sin connection with the information society, through that with the present GTC ignores the § 5. (2) and § 6. (1)-(2) paragraphs of the Ektv.
The purchase (service) in the electronic store is possible with electronically submitted orders, according to the defined in the GTC.
The services of the online store, operated by the Mediator, everyone is entitled to use if registers him-/herself successfully on the Website, and agrees to be bound by the content of the GTC.
The contract, ordering process, payment
The purchase price of the vouchers is the amount indicated next to the selected service (hotel voucher), which includes the services enlisted in the product description. The change of service prices, which can be ordered from the Website, reserves the Mediator, that the amendment becomes effective when appears on Website. The amendment doesn’t influence the purchase price of already ordered services, adversely the customer.
If, despite the care of the Mediator, incorrect price is indicated on the online store surface, particularly the obviously false, e.g. significantly different price from the well-known, generally accepted price or possibly „0 HUF” or „1 HUF” prices appear because of system downturn , the Mediator is not obliged to sell the hotel voucher on the faulty price, but offers the selling on the proper price , in which knowledge the Customer may desist from purchase intention.
The Customer, at the same time when ordering, accepts and agree with the General Terms and conditions.
The Mediator is obliged, after receiving the order of the Customer, to confirm the purchase back via electronic mail (e-mail). If the confirmation doesn’t arrive to the Customer within 48 hours, the Mediator and the hotel’s offer obligation, as well as any obligation of the Customer automatically ceases without any further conditions.
The Mediator orders the hotel voucher from the issuing German firms (Relaxing Services GmbH) or Mediator issues the hotel voucher. The Mediator regards these hotel vouchers original and forwards these English or German-language, numbered hotel vouchers to the customers. On the voucher, its full content is indicated, name of the hotel, accessibility, service description, date of issue, validity, all the information in connection with cashing. There is no possibility to use the voucher after its expiry!
The contract between the Parties, comes into being after the Mediator’s confirmation of the purchase order.
The Mediator is entitled to terminate the contract within 1 day, after the Mediator confirmed the purchase order of the Customer, if the offer indicated on the Website, is not available anymore. In case of this termination, the Mediator has no responsibilities, but the Mediator is required to recover immediately, within 1 day the latest, the possibly fulfilled payment (purchase price of voucher) to the Customer.
The purchase price of the vouchers is transferred by the Mediator – after the Customer has paid it – within 3 days, to the German company issuing the voucher, which transfers itt o the hotel. This way, the amount is at the hotel before starting the travel. This payment system had been developed in favor of the customers safety.
The compensation of purchase is possible with bank transfer or PayPal.
Responsibility of Mediator
The Online Média Zrt. operates as intermediary, and the customers, when buying the voucher bind a contract directly with the service provider, i.e. with the hotel, this way the hotel is liable for accepting the vouchers. For the liabilities of the hotel, the Mediator doesn’t take responsibility, because after the customer’s purchase, the Mediator, as well as its German partners obtain the customer’s ordered vouchers directly from the hotel.
The mediator is not responsible for delivery delay, which can be traced back to data given by the customer falsely and/or incorrectly, or even for other problems or errors.
The Mediator is not responsible for damages, resulting from the customer forgets the password or it becomes available for unauthorized persons, for reasons, which are not attributable to the mediator. For modification of active order data, there is a possibility on our e-mail address, in the case if the Mediator hasn’t started the fulfillment of the order yet.
The Mediator takes responsibility to provide the hotel voucher ordered by the customer from the Web shop, with the content of the confirmation to the Customer, i.e. send to him/her electronically. The Mediator issues an invoice from the service of the voucher, which is sent to the Customer via mail.
In addition, the Mediator doesn’t take responsibility for the voucher purchased services, in particular the responsibility of the Mediator doesn’t extend to the legal relationship between the Customer and the hotel. The Mediator doesn’t take responsibility for the claims resulting from the legal relationship between the Customer and the hotel, for the fulfillment of the contract, its method, the subject of the contract, the identity of the contracting parties. Compensation liabilities, resulting from this legal relationship doesn’t encumber the Mediator.
The Mediator is not responsible for any damages, which occurred during the accession of the Website.
The customer is responsible for the protection obligation of him/her PC and data on it.
After receiving the voucher, the Customer is obliged to check the content of the hotel voucher and immediately indicate it to the Mediator if any of the content elements is missing or if he/she experiences any differences from what he/she ordered or what is included in the GTC.
The withdrawal right of the Customer, dispute settlements of the parties
The Customer can withdraw the contract with 8 (eight) days of receiving the hotel voucher, without justification. The date of receipt is the sending time of voucher (pdf file) electronically to the Customer. This way, the Customer’s exercising of withdrawal doesn’t affect the first day of the opened deadline, if the Customer reads (opens) the above electronic mail later. The Customer is obliged to communicate the withdrawal intention with the Mediator, via e-mail or phone, who is immediately obliged to send a draft declaration to the customer, if the Customer commits that he/she doesn’t use the received hotel voucher involved in withdrawal (hereinafter: Declaration). Customer is obliged to send the Declaration, provided with his/her signature, via post to the Mediator. Mediator immediately, but at the latest, within 30 days refunds the purchase price paid by the Customer after receiving the Declaration. During the practice of the withdrawal right, the Customer takes care of recovery of the Declaration and cost incurred in connection with this debits the customer.
The expired vouchers can’t be refunded by the Mediator.
The contracting Parties commit everything in order to settle their disputes via negotiations. If the settlement of dispute is not possible via negotiations, the contracting Parties specify, depending on the value, the exclusive jurisdiction of the court at the domicile of the Mediator.
Budapest, 2011. február 15.
Online Média Zrt.
Cégjegyzékszám: 0110043988